Sunday, February 20, 2011

So finally after one week, i've got the time to blog about my Valentine's day with baby. Actually i wanted to blog about it on sunday,but then baby shouted at me on the phone for no particular reason causing me to get really pissed off so i didn't wanted to write all the sweet things. It's rather lame i know, but hey i hate getting shouted at okay.
As Valentine's day was on a Monday which meant that i had school, so we couldn't go out earlier. Baby already had plans for what we're going to do on that very day but he kept me in suspense about the plans. As i was really curious about what we're gonna do (as usual) i used my friend's phone to text him and make him believe that it's actually my friend so that he would spill out every single thing which he did. All the suprises, the plans and the gifts I KNEW IT ALL. Everytime i recieve a reply, i would jump off my seat and scream in joy especially when i found out that he borrowed a car and he bought me a polaroid as a gift which i've pestered him to get me for several months but he didn't want to. Hahaha every single year since i've been with him, every plan of his will definately be exposed by me, i'm such a scheming bitch who ruins her own suprises. But i cannot help it that i'm being kept in the dark, i hate secrets, i must know everything if not i won't be able to sleep in peace hahaha.
So to the main point now, baby came to fetch me from school after my remedial lesson at 2.45 on that very day and drove me home to get changed for our valentine date which i had to rush because we were running out of time. Our very first place that we went was the pasir ris pet farm which i was dying to go for a long long time. Finally baby decided to bring me there as it's more convenient as there's a car. Got lost on the way there but we manage to reach there before the place closes at 5ish. I swear that the puppies were so adorable, i couldn't stop aw-ing at all. It's such a pity that we couldn't carry to pups :( so we managed to go to every single one of the places with pups. i would definately want to go there again, soon.After pet farm, we headed to Clarke Quay for dinner at Hooters, the restuarant which we went to for our 2nd anniversary. Actually we had already make reservations at Botan, an awesome japanese restuarant which i swear it's the best in Singapore. But then on that day i didn't had the feel for jap food hence we went to hooters instead since we wanted to try their chicken wing which we didn't got to try the prev time as it was a really big portion, like the smallest plate was like 10pieces. We had a really great dinner, chatted while eating and talking about the girls and their hotpants which really was a major turn off because non of them was pretty. After dinner, we scrolled around Clarke Quay and took photos. (duh of course)
Aftermath we drove up to dempsy hill for Ben and Jerry's as we didn't had any desserts after our dinner and also we still had plenty of time left before i had to reach home. So we headed to ben and jerry and the place was really packed with couples. We sat down and had our ice creams, fooled around and snap some photos. After that we walked around dempsy hill ( actually i was trying to find xiaxue as she said she was at some restuarant which dempsy hill also had so i was trying my luck to find her, but sadly i couldn't. Hahaha sorry big fan of xx) Baby drove me home after that and we went to have his date with his friends then hehehe.

I'm really glad that we're still able to spend Valentine's day together, i want to spend every Valentine day with you baby because you're the only one i love and valentine's day is the day where you spend with your partner whom you love dearly. I appreciate all that you've done to make that day a great one, putting in all your efforts to make me happy. Also going through all the trouble to rent a nice car to make things convenient. I'm really suprised when you told me that you called almost every single car rental agency trying to get to car to suprise me but failed because we were too late. I really really thank you for all you've done baby, i love you so much, so dearly. I'll never be this happy if i've never met you, i'll never get to feel what's like to be truely loved by someone if i've never met. I love you from the bottom of my heart. xoxo

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