Sunday, February 20, 2011

I guess i won't be blogging about my Bali trip anymore, blogger is pissing me off so badly. I've already upload the photos into 2 enteries and when i check my very first entry some of the photos are missing and i'm certain that i've upload them up. I spent almost an hour trying to get to photos up and some isn't there. wtf man seriously, why waste my time. I finally got myself a free time to blog and all this shit happens. I'm so fucking busy lately that i don't even have the time for my laptop. I definately won't be able to touch the laptop on monday to wednesday because i have tuition, so i'm left with thursday to sunday .. oh well can call it laziness but also my house is under renovation currently, so i have so much cleaning to do for the house. I'm so tired seriously, but i have no idea i'm being tired of what. The only thing that i'm looking forward to now is my 18th birthday which is in 2 weeks. Okay so that concludes my post, i will get the valentine's day post up soon and blogger better not fuck my photos up again. Ciao

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