Thursday, March 3, 2011

I've been so lazy to blog lately and i don't know why. Well maybe one of the reason is that tuition is really tiring me out terribly. My monday-wednesday are so screwed up all because of tuition, i don't even have the energy to study for my test which is on either tuesday wednesday or thursday because by the time i reach home from tuiton which is 1030, i'll be so damn tired already. The only thing i could do is to maybe read through for a while then the next day go to school for last minute studying before the test. Seriously this sucks man, i don't know if i should find home tuition instead ... ah nevermind forget about it, i think i've complaint about how tiring tuiton is a few post back isn't it? can't really remember, but i feels like i did hahaah whatever.
Okay so, in 2days time which is on 5th march is my 18th birthday! I'm going to have a celebration at my house at the pit by the pool side. Ordere buffet because i'm really lazy to have a bbq and i don't want to get dirty and smelly. I just want everyone to sit down together, eat, chat and have fun. Probably play some games too, if i can think of one. But unfortunately, the pit i booked was the smaller pit ... like so fucking pathetically small to fit 20-30plus people please.. the bigger pit at the side is taken away by another family. omg screw you people for ruining part of my birthday. Okay that's all for now, going to watch Vampire Diaries now teeeheee! Wait for my next update okay! it will be on my birthday celebration!!!

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