Saturday, November 27, 2010

hey there i'm back. i'm kinda of a free person now, know why? cause i've quitted my job. I'm really sick and tired of the job, it's so god damn boring and the warehouse is so hot. I hate fans, cause they blow dust onto my face and make them really oily and dirty so i don't use the fans there. It's like doing the same thing everyday single day, scan Iphone, fold boxes and do nothing. Waking up at 6.45am every single day is tiring, which makes me not able to sleep late. I love watching tv at night until i fall asleep,but with the job i can't cause i need to catch enough sleep. With the job, i have no life. It's even worst then schooling time, i get home earlier when i go to school and i'm not that tired either. It really makes it a routine everyday lah, wake up - work - go home - rest , and that's it i hardly even get to go out to have fun. i need to start meeting up with my friends before we start drifting away. So today was my last day of work, i'm happy and i'm sad. Happy that i don't have to suffer anymore and sad cause i'll miss my friends there. They're such a bunch of nice people especially the malays, i love them so much! They're so fun to be with :( Only until today when i'm leaving i realised that the job isn't that bad after all with my friends there. But i've resigned and i didn't regret. I'm considering now if i should search for another job like those one to three days those kind. We'll see.

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