Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's 5.05 in the morning now and i'm still not alseep. It's not that I don't want to, I can't! I can't get to sleep !! I'm so fustrated right now cze i really really wanna sleep. I have to wake up to look after my brother tomorrow and I need rest! I've been lying here since 3.30 and now I'm still not asleep. I think I know why, cze I drank coffee at like 12plus to keep myself awake cze I wanted to watch 3movies in one go . Got the movie marathon feel so I watched. Usually coffee doesn't really work on me to make me awake, instead I would get all giddy. But this time it actually worked like for the first time. Urgh why must It be now! Why won't it wear off already, I had no choice but to take my 'sleeping pill' to make me tired and now I'm waiting for my drowsiness to come so that I can sleep already. Seriously i'm on the verge on smashing something I swear. Oh pleaseeeee just let me sleep already. Comfirm tired tomorrow cze it's impossible for me to sleep till 12 tmr cze of my bro. By 10, either my mother or my bro will come wake me up. Confirm plus chop one. K bye gna try sleep now

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