Saturday, September 18, 2010

True enough my brother and mother woke me up as usual causing me to have only 5hours of sleep. It's saturday and i actually slept for 5 pathetic hours even lesser than my weekday sleep amount. Suppose to meet the girls today for a movie but in the end my mother wants me to look after my brother until 4plus cze she wanna go makan with her good friends. See lah,be oldest must sacrifies so much never even see my mother ask my sis to stay at home help her look after brother zzz. End up met baby at 5ish like finally after one whole week without seeing him, headed to town then went to have our free buffet. I know why it's free already lah,cze the food like kns. Okay,not totally everything was like shit maybe one or two items were just alright. But seriously yuck, the coke doesn't even taste like coke please. Still baby and I still ate till we almost puked cze we're so full. Baby was cruel enough to make me go home by myself from zion road and he go enjoy himself at zouk with his friends lor. Sigh, he comfirm drink until drunk drunk then come tell me say is give face to friends. Better not kay,if not your baobei girlfriend comfirm angry and then slap your face.

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