Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kekekeke honestly,i actually forgotten that today was our 25th month until baby smsed to wish me. I was just thinking about it last night and today i actually forgotten about it. See what has exams done to me,making me forget the most important date of my life. It's been 25months already wow, time has passed so quickly like in a blink of an eye. In the past i'd never expect to have a long term relationship with anyone until i met acyz. When we just started i just thought that it's another puppy love which will end like i don't know when maybe 1month later just like all of my prev relationships with all the fucked up boys. I'm lucky enough to have meet baby whom makes me happy everyday,well almost hahaha. In another blink of an eye i think that baby and I would be together for 5years already. By then we prolly will be able to discuss our marriage already which we are already now hahahaha see how much we love each other. Alright gtg for dinner now and then tuition. Good-a-bye , i love you ang cheng yong / bobby

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