Saturday, November 5, 2011

WOW ... It's been almost two months since i last blogged, randomly clicked on my blog link just to check on it and the first thing i saw was the date i last blogged. Hope you people understand as i was having my o levels so therefore i didn't turn on my laptop as i needed to study. Was relying on my phone all the way which was kind of enough to keep me updated on things going on around the social network. I'm glad to announce that my o levels is ending! 2 more papers to go which is chinese and science mcq, my major subject has already ended so i'm kind of a free person.
So yesterday which was the end of my major subjects, i went to enroll for my driving lesson! Been waiting for this days for the past 8 months as i wanted to finish o levels first before i start learning how to drive so i can concentrate more on my studies. The kiasu me booked my basic theory lesson on next tuesday and thursday hahaha. I've also booked my BTT which is on 27 december, one more month away. I really can't wait to drive, but on the other hand i'm also afraid i might cause any accidents cause i'm quite a muddle head. That's it for now i guess, since it's my self declared holidays now i will TRY to update more often okay! See you people around, xoxo.

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