Thursday, November 17, 2011

I finally dyed my hair after long consideration because i'm super afraid that it will damage my hair as i've never ever done anything to my hair before, it's purely virgin jet black hair haha. Yup since o levels has ended, why not try right? Bought Liese's hair dye today in Marshmellow brown. Wanted to dye it tomorrow but i'm too excited so i decided to do it today haha. When i dyed my hair, the colour didn't spread out to my entire hair so i had to do a touch up again which means that i washed and condition my hair twice within 2 hours .... Yup so i'm satisfied with the results and color, but i kinda miss my black hair already. Oh btw i lose a lot of hair while dying my hair which really scares me. Mummy still scare me even further by saying if my scalp get sensitive to the dye one whole patch of my hair might fall off ... wtf. Probably won't do anything to my hair again at the moment, in case i drop more. If you're wondering why i didn't blog about my trip to USS with the girls ytd, it's because there's way too much photos. You people can just go view the photos from my facebook okay! xoxo

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