Thursday, August 4, 2011

It has been 3 days since baby enlist into army, it's such a pity that i couldn't send baby off because i had school and my parents didn't want me to skip school. I really wanted to go so badly, i wanted to hug and kiss him and let him know that everything is going to okay inside and that i know that he's my strong boy, that he can overcome any of the hardship. The next time i'll be seeing him will be on the 20th, and we'll be going out to celebrate our 3rd anniversary which is on the 14th. I hate that fact that we have to delay the celebration, i hate delaying cze it would have probably lose the meaning of it since it can't be on the exact day. Sigh what to do, he cannot book out there's also nothing i can do.
I hope nothing between our relationship will change within these 2 years that baby will be in the army. There will definitely be quarrels at times but i believe that everything will be fine after a few days or hours. I will try my best to understand whatever situation that baby is in and try not to get mad at him so easily to avoid quarrels.
15 more days till baby will be able to book out, i can't wait for the day. I've never missed him this much before, even if i go oversea for a week. Well i got to stay strong and independant for the time being without him and try to concentrate more on my studies.
I love you baby,miss you so so much. Stay strong and be safe. xoxo

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