Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today is another month of the 14th,which is our 26th monthsary today. We didn't celebrate it cze there's no need to. Hahahah some couples celebrate monthsary because nowadays relationships can hardly last for a year,hope that's not offensive for anyone but it's seriously the truth. I'm not boasting okay,seriously i'm not. Okay so we spent our day normally, had brunch together,went to his school to do some NS admistration thingy, to the hospital for his check up which was a total waste of money because obviously there was nothing wrong with him at all in the first place, like a pussy only scared this scared that lol. Next year need to go back for some check up again, waste money and retarded you mei you. ++ My dad just sold my house today to some people which i find very unfriendly and fierce. I tried smiling to him and all he did was stare stare stare , very difficult to smile back meh tsk. So i'll be moving house in prolly 3months later and i really don't want to T_T i can't bear to part with my house, i love my house, i love the enviroment well i just love everything about this estate i'm living in cze i have everything i need around me. Transport is the best ever seriously, can't find anywhere with such great transport. Well dad already bought the house can't do anything about it. Oh anw like so damn cool cause my dad bought the house like on 10/10/10 , it's at the 10th storey and the door number is 10-01 . Omg lah everything 10 except got 01 but still have 0 and 1. But there's something will 11 and i forgotten what it is already. Okay gtg now wanna watch movies already. LMAO! MY BRO JUST ACCDENTALLY STAPLE HIS THUMB,MAJOR BLEEDING HAHAHAHA THIS IS SO EPIC.

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