Monday, August 23, 2010

Nothing interesting has been going on with my life, almost every single day same routine. School -> Home -> (maybe sometimes go out for lunch with classmates or meet baby) -> bath -> lie down on bed use phone -> sleep -> dinner @7pm -> watch tv till 8 or do the dishes -> study/use computer -> sleep. It's like a routine seriously,all the timing almost the same one. Too bad n's are coming in less than 10 days i think? Honestly,i haven't really starting mugging which i am suppose to be doing now. My geography is a totally mess, i forget almost everything and i h8 geog ttm. Well,i just finish packing my table from all the mess and i haven't wash my hands so practically i'm sneezing like crazy now cze of all the dust. Oh fuck,what now tumblr's under maintainance zzzzzzz.

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