Sunday, July 25, 2010

The day didn't start out good for me today,things got screwed up in the morning because of some little things that went wrong which obviously wasn't my fault. (It really wasn't seriously). There was a little tension in the family and sissy got pissed off and she cried. She think no one saw it but hahahaha i did! I've got super great eyeside and i can't deny that for many reasons. Went to grandma's place for breakfast and then headed to Vivo with my family and met Justin for movie,Inception. There was this charity thing going on there for the cancer,even the President was there hahahaha. Justin and I totally LOL-ED at how the president waves to the people unlike other presidents. Our president's wave was really epic ahahah,not the first time i'm laughing about it though. Adrian Pang was there hosting the event and I tell you he's one fucking hot ass man. His body was like woooooooo,can imagine him stripping off his clothes hahaha. Anyway back to the charity thing,people were there shaving off their hair for charity. To try to spead awareness for cancer patients. Somehow i think shaving their hair off was really a dumb idea,no offence though. Why shave your head for charity? just do something and donate money to them and that's all. Why go through all the trouble,tsk. yeah yeah some people might say my thinking is to naive and such but it's just my opinion. Okay so i went to watch Inception,overall the movie was just ok not really my kind of show but was still great. You've got to keep really awake the whole movie because it requires a lot of thinking in order to understand the whole movie. A lot of twist and turns on the story too,really complicated. My parents got bored because they didn't like movie that requires a lot of thinking. Plus it's a 2hr30min show,hahahaha luckily i could understand the movie. Now i'm home after the movie and i'm waiting for my dad to wake up from his nap and go out for dinner. Wow it's been long since i post something like that haha really rare. Sigh i think that my nose is getting bigger because i keep pressing it,not good :(

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