Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hey i'm back after mia-ing for some time. I broke my promise by not updating my blog again. I promised that time that i would have 3post up by the weekend but i didn't. Well the main reason was that i was still terribly sick during the weekend so i didn't really wanted to spend my time on the computer,and secondly i was rather busy with my new house things so i was really at home during the weekends. Well, you might think that i still could blog during monday and tuesday right hahaha honestly speaking, i was lazy. Oh! and i only reached home at 10ish during monday because had to buy lights for my new house, took 2 hours to chose lights for the whole house. Okay shall stop talking and starting blogging. And btw, i'll blog about universal studio in another post, don't wanna cramp all the photos together. The post will be up by this week okay,this time i'm serious.

3rd of january, baby's official 20th birthday. It was just a simple day out,our plan were kind of screwed up. Went for fish and co for lunch at town, wanted to watch meet the little fockers but it was selling fast so decided not to. Shopped around and then headed to cineleisure, wanted to go to E2Max but like quite expensive so decided not to. So we went to had frolicks and chilled around, talk talk a bit. After that went to IMM to meet my mother for dinner and to see furniture,well the initial plan is to have dinner on our own but because i don't wanna make my mother feel lonely, i ditched our plan and went to look for my mother instead. I'm like this, i don't like any of my family members to feel that i neglect them because of my boyfriend, so most of the time i will ditch my plans and go accompany my parents instead and of course causing unhappiness to baby lah. But that's just who i am, it's good to be nice to parents also right? I'm a very filial daughter, trust me i am.Yup okay that's just how we spent baby's birthday, screwed up one. My fault, as usual.

6th January, Wenqian's 17th birthday! It was a normal school day, so started off with school first. I think i don't have to explain what went on during school right hahaha. Okay so after school, i wanted to attend training cze i've been saying that i would return for training but ended up i didn't because i was really ill. I've been ill for like almost 2days that day,was running with a slight fever so i went to home took panadol and took a nap. Felt much better after i woke up, and then met qian and jay at 5ish, headed to sunset way to meet the rest of the girls and we had steamboat for dinner. The food was alright i guess, i was down with sore throat and cough but yet i still stuffed myself with tomyum. So we had a great dinner, chat much and yadah yadah. After dinner we had cake for wenqian, sang her birthday song ate the cake and started taking pictures. Headed home at 10ish, had a really enjoyable night, love hanging out with all the girls. We'll be meeting up on sunday again, can't wait! Oh and that very night, i caught a flu and the next day my flu was horrible! Used 10packs of tissue in 45minutes, and then came with my terrible high fever causing me to have to go home from school.

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