Friday, December 10, 2010

overdue photos from last saturday. wow time has really been passing by really quickly huh, one week has passed just like this. why does december has to come so soon, in a blink of an eye,the holidays are gonna end. I don't feel that i've got enough of fun yet,i still need a break from school. In another weeks time, i'll be collecting my results. *shivers* . I really have no idea what the outcome would be like, i don't even wanna think about it. But i just can't, 17th december haunts me every single day,it just wont get the hell out of my mind. All i wanna do now is enjoy the rest of my days before the 17th, who knows what will happen right so i'll just have fun first. Let's drop this subject, don't really wanna think about it right nao. Tomorrow i will be going to celebrate baby's grandma's birthday, not really looking forward cze i have to be all quiet and gentle which is so not me. I've got to speak appropriately, act nice and all sorts of things which i don't usually do. Aiya whatever la, one year see them once just do it lor for the sake of baby. Meanwhile my parents are fucking insane, it's obvious that they don't believe me that i'm going for the celebration which they didn't question me but they told me to take snapshots of their family. wtf la how random is that, so obvious that they think i'm lying. Crazy people _l_

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